Pain Practice Resources 

The Texas Pain Society (TPS) is proud to work with the Texas Medical Association on a variety of projects throughout the year and is pleased to be a resource for physicians who treat pain patients in Texas. Below are just a few of the helpful tools TPS offers its members and Practices Pain Physicians.

Pain Management Agreement UPDATED 2024!

This sample template is provided by the Texas Pain Society. It is not intended to provide advice on any specific legal matter, and Texas Pain Society makes no representation regarding the accuracy, currency, or completeness of the information contained herein. Any questions regarding this document should be directed to your own legal counsel.


Controlled Substance Record Books

The Texas Controlled Substance Act makes no differentiation between samples and medicine ordered from a drug wholesaler or pharmacy. ALL controlled substances must be accounted for in a log book (numbered and bound), in addition to entries in the patient’s medical chart. View more information on the act.

Prescription Monitoring in Texas - Best Practices

The Texas Pain Society has created a white paper for recommendations and best practices for using the Texas Prescription Monitoring Program.

Texas has had the Texas Prescription Program (TPP) to monitor CIIs since 1982, and, in 2008, started monitoring CIII‐V, but today, physicians have easier accessibility to the monitoring program through PAT II, where they can login to the TPP via a website. In September 2011, a company, Optimum, received the contract for hosting and collecting the data for the TPP. Previously, the hosting, development, and data collection was done internally by the Department of Public Safety (DPS). DPS had developed a website=accessible version of the TPP (referred to as PAT I – Prescription Access in Texas), which went through several rounds of beta testing that began in August of 2011, while the traditional fax request method was still in place for the non-beta testers. Read more here.


The precise role of urine drug testing (UDT) in the practice of pain medicine is currently being defined. Confusion exists as to best practices and even to what constitutes standard of care. A member survey by our state pain society revealed variability in practice and a lack of consensus.

The authors sought to further clarify the importance of routine UDT as an important part of an overall treatment plan that includes chronic opioid prescribing. Further, we wish to clarify best practices based on consensus and data where available.